- Grill Cleaning Stone
- GB12 Grill Brick
- Foot Pumice Stone
- Toilet Pumice Stone
- Kitchen Pumice Stone
- Abrasive Stone
- Pumice Sponge
- Pet Hair Remover Stone
- Sweater Stone
- Cashmere Comb
- Stainless Steel Scrubber
- Piedra de Limpieza
- Pumice Chew Block
- Volcanic Pumice Stone
- Pumice Stone with handle
- Foot Pumice stone (limestone)
- OEM Pumice Stone
- Building Cellular Glass
- Cedar Ball
- Shoes Eraser
- Lint Brush
- Mesh Sponge
- ADD: Zhongxing Rd, Anqing, Anhui,China
- TEL: 0086-556-5523458
- FAX: 0086-556-5523458
- E-mail: chinakason@qq.com admin@chinacleaningblock.com
Mesh sponges with cotton bindi
mesh sponge, bath sponge, bath ball, bath flower, bath set,bat...
Watermelon Sponge
mesh sponge, bath sponge, bath ball, bath flower, bath set,bat...
Multi-color Pumpkin Sponge
mesh sponge, bath sponge, bath ball, bath flower, bath set,bat...
Multi-color mesh Sponge
mesh sponge, bath sponge, bath ball, bath flower, bath set,bat...
Colorful soft mesh shower Spon
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Rose shaped shower Sponge
mesh sponge, bath sponge, bath ball, bath flower, bath set,bat...
PEmesh bath sponge for bath
mesh sponge, bath sponge, bath ball, bath flower, bath set,bat...
Bath sponge with plastic-wood
mesh sponge, bath sponge, bath ball, bath flower, bath set,bat...
Single color mesh bath Sponge
mesh sponge, bath sponge, bath ball, bath flower, bath set,bat...
5-ball Sponge
mesh sponge, bath sponge, bath ball, bath flower, bath set,bat...
Butterfly Mesh Sponge
mesh sponge, bath sponge, bath ball, bath flower, bath set,bat...
mesh sponge, bath sponge, bath ball, bath flower, bath set,bat...